Monday Meal
>> May 26, 2009
Which is why I totally forgot that yesterday was Monday. So here is what I had planned for this week's Monday Meal:
He loves all of these things. I had thought he loved chips the best, followed by fish and then peas.
Okay, so this is quickly becoming less about me getting nutrition into Asher in new and fun ways and more just a topic to get me going on a Monday. So here is Asher having High Tea (I don't know if that technically calls for capitals, but it sounds like it should) at the Ritz. It apparently takes two months to get a reservation here (lucky Mum booked it as soon as she bought her flight) and you can't take pictures because there might be famous people there. So we hid our camera behind the menu and the tea pots and the sandwich tray and tried to take pictures with only Asher in them. Even though there was no one that we recognized.
Okay, okay. Perhaps I should have waited to start the whole weekly blog thing until I knew I would have some actual time on my hands. This week also has a great excuse. My Mum is visiting from Canada. Yay!! It's been very nice to have another adult in the house to talk to during the day. And of course it is truly wonderful to see Asher and his Grandma laughing and having fun. More on that later.
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